Welcome to Gift Treasury! get free creative web freebies! Have fun!


Free Drinks

Free Drinks Here. Drop by and refresh yourself.


Countdown Banners

CountdownsGalore.com is owned by Siggiez. Have fun counting down the days to the Holidays. Using the Countdown Makers enjoy counting down to your Birthday, Vacation, Anniversary, Baby's Due Date, Grandchild's Due date or to when School Begins or Ends.

Cool Clocks

ClockLink.com provides fashionable clocks that you can easily embed in your web page. All you need to do is simply paste the tag on your web page. Our clock will display the city name of your choice if you choose. You can also choose a time zone for your clock so it will show the correct time. Decorate your website with these cool clocks!


Cute Animation

I like animations, specially this one you see. It adds life to sites. I got this one here:http://www.123gifs.eu

